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Houston Community College

Class Details

Jonny Zivku (

Thank you for hosting Felipe and Jonny of DigitalEd at your school!

Below you will find a sample of lessons and assignments you can browse and explore at your own pace.

If you have any questions, reach out to us at

Möbius Lessons

Go way beyond just static text for your lesson content!

Here's a sample lesson that highlights the diverse abilities of the Möbius platform when it comes to teaching Calculus, Algebra, and Physics. The different types of content, questions, and methods within this sample lesson demonstrate the true power of Möbius. This is by no means a full display of content offerings and functionality, but it will give you an idea of what a lesson within the platform can look like and the varied levels of potential student interaction that are possible.


Möbius Question Types

Ask questions ranging from simple true and false questions to complex Maple-graded questions!

Möbius Content Pack Samples

Incorporate pre-built, customizable content into your class that's been designed by a range of discipline experts!

Build Number : bbc067b